
Like many teens, 米切尔的利 graduated high school without a clear direction and entered Bristol to find her path, eventually taking an interest in sociology and psychology. She combined those educational passions with the cost savings of MassTransfer to graduate 来自社会学院 & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Massachusetts 阿默斯特. After graduation, 利比 went on to work for the 男孩 & 都市女孩俱乐部 South in 陶顿, directly benefiting members of the Bristol community. 她工作 as one of six on the development team serving as the Advancement Operations Coordinator, in a community-driven role focused on fundraising and stewardship with local partners. 利比 continues to advance in her career and now works as the Development Manager on the Massachusetts Community 事件 team at the American Cancer Society. 利比 credits Bristol for the educational, financial and professional opportunities the college provided, such as joining the Bristol Advisory Board, and is pleased with 新利18帮助指引的方向. 

“I’m where I am now because of where I started, so I’m happy.”


拉斐尔洛佩斯 worked in construction directly out of high school, after a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder ended his senior season of football. 不愿停止游戏 the sport he loves, Raphael found a semi-pro team in 新贝德福德 and played tight 结束了八年. While playing in 2016, he suffered a traumatic injury. 通过 his care at Rhode Island Hospital and Spaulding Rehabilitation, Raphael had to re-learn how to walk, talk and perform other tasks we all take for granted. 

通过 months of effort, Raphael was able to stand, then walk with assistance and 最终他可以自己走路了. His experience working with the physical therapists and gaining a deeper understanding of how his body works inspired him to become a therapist 把他带到新利18. Now, as Bristol’s 500th Occupational Therapy Assistant graduate, he hopes to coach football someday and lead the next generation of athletes.  

“[The physical therapist] stood me up for the first time by myself on a parallel bar. 我看到了那张照片,受到了启发. 我说,‘我站起来了,现在我们要走了 动起来.’”


Civic Engagement internships at Bristol are an opportunity for students to gain valuable 工作经验,同时支持他们的社区. 以海莉·查尔斯为例 agriculture student who interned with Freight Farms in 陶顿. 她的实习工作是 her all about hydroponics, including plant pathology, disease identification and farm equipment handling, all while growing food that goes to local food pantries and the 男孩 & 都市南部的女孩俱乐部. 海莉建议所有学生都参加 in a Civic Engagement internship to grow their skills and give back to the community.

“I learn a lot about hydroponic systems and sustainable agriculture in the classroom, but doing it hands on I’ve learned how to identify diseases much better. 我多 more equipped to handle farming equipment and technology.”


塞尔玛Delaconcepcion is a first-generation college student who immigrated from Brazil 2003年到美国. COVID-19 caused Selma to lose her job after working for more than five years as a housekeeper at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. 这使得 her the time to pursue an education, beginning in an ESL class. “这很困难, 但我战胜了,当然,”塞尔玛说. 

Eventually, Selma received a call from a director she worked for as a housekeeper and was offered a job as an operations manager in Falmouth Hospital. 她后来 offered a job as an assistant director in Morton Hospital, with 37 housekeepers as 她的直接下属. 

Selma did not let this impressive career development slow down her pursuit of education 或者是为了达到事业的下一个阶段. 在完成HiSET考试后,她转变了 进入大学攻读学位课程. 她获得了总统优秀奖学金 in 2023, all while working 65 hours a week to support her husband and three children. 

Selma’s strength and determination to continue serves as an example of how Bristol 学生可以充分利用每一个机会.  

“我决定自己继续走下去... 这提醒了我,我的孩子和周围的人 me that they’re going to hear that hard work pays off.” 


Myesha奥古斯特 is a student in the Criminal Justice program who recently completed an internship with the Massachusetts State 911 Department. 她的工作涉及很多项目, such as attending outreach events and sending supplies to schools. 外展活动 她最喜欢实习的部分是什么. 她负责教育孩子 on how to reach 911 either by call or text, and what to say to the operator. 她还 helped with the equipment distribution program, getting specialized phones to people 有永久性残疾. 

After touring the Massachusetts Correctional Institute in Norfolk and learning about the rehabilitation programs within the facility, Myesha found the path she wants to 追求她的事业. Her plan is to create programs to help rehabilitate young criminal 罪犯. Myesha credits the Massachusetts State 911 internship for professional 发展和职业探索机会.  

“Working here has helped me determine exactly what I want to do. 我很喜欢这里.”